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How to add a reference to the database
Press the ‘Add’ Part number button to add a new part to the database using the Part Details fields shown.
All fields in the Part Details should be completed, press on any field to display either the pop-up keypad or keyboard to enter the required information.
Once the data is complete press the ‘Save’ button displayed above the Part details to add the part to the database or press ‘Cancel’ to discard the new part details.
If the new part is similar to an existing part select the existing part first using the part number selection control and then press the ‘Add’ part number button as this will initialise all the Part details and save the user typing in all the details again.
REA Re-Programming
1. Flow test the turbocharger.
2. If the flow is incorrect.
    a. Goto "PROG", "FIND STOPS"
    b. When the actuator has learned the new stops, "SET STOPS"
3. Flow test the turbocharger.
4. Use the + - controls to increase the flow into the green band
5. Goto "PROG", "SET MIN FLOW"
6. Check flow is correct, repeat if necessary
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